When Data Meets Art

What do you get when data meets art?
A Data Vernissage! 

You are probably used to going to a seminar where someone presents to you their insights on a screen. Technology is a great way of amplifying information, but here at the AppJobs Institute, we wanted to try a new concept. A vernissage – but instead of using art – we used graphs.

Based on an analysis of the one million active gig-working members of AppJobs.com and their interactions with over one thousand companies, we hosted an event to portray some of the trends we have noticed regarding the current state and the Future of Work. The data indicates a shift from the traditional labour market, where employees work full time at one company, to tomorrow’s flexible work-life where people work on-demand. 

Photo of Appjobs CEO and co-founder Alok Alström, 20th February 2020.

Yesterday, we had over 120 people from different sectors joining the conversation: using six pivotal questions as a guide, the event took guests through our insights and sparked up important conversations surrounding the Future of Work.  

The Iron Man Economy is becoming ever more prevalent, so there will be plenty more keynotes and events to come! Within a year, the goal is to take these insights and create a global summit for the Future of Work. We will also host several events during the Almedalen Week (June 28 – July 3) in Sweden.