Gig Platform Index

About the Gig Platform Index 

In order to help navigating in the gig economy, the Future of Work Institute has created the Gig Platform Index (GPI). The GPI is based on millions of behavioural data points collected from over 1.7 million Appjobs members and their interactions with 1,000 gig-platforms.

The Index compares different gig-platforms and sectors to help in reviewing performance. Performance is determined by several data points and variables: the maximum PI score is 6 and the minimum is 1.

How we calculate the Gig Platform Index 

  • Choose timeline and group of platforms to analyse
  • The mean value, the standard deviation and the score from a specific platform is calculated to build the index.
  • These variables summarised gives a score on how the platform is evaluated in comparison to other platforms.
  • By comparing the results with a pre-selected normalization table we get the index for the data point.   

Variables and data points 

Growth variable

  • Growth of gig-workers joining each gig-platform
  • Est. investment in recruiting gig-workers by platform
  • Loyalty of gig-workers to each gig-platform
  • Est. intensity of workload by gig-platform

Operational efficiency variable

  • Relative compensation satisfaction to gig-workers by gig-platform
  • Relative “cost to work” satisfaction for gig-workers by gig-platform
  • Relative funnel conversion velocity by gig-platform
  • Relative funnel conversion strength by gig-platform
  • Loyalty of gig-workers to each gig-platform

Supply brand appeal variable

  • Rating by gig-workers for each gig-platform
  • Brand exposure to gig-workers for each gig-platform
  • Value proposition strength to gig-workers for each gig-platform
  • Brand appeal to gig-workers for each gig-platform
  • Engagement by gig-workers for each gig-platform