Best Careers for ESTJ Personalities

From Side Hustle to Full-Time Job: Making the Transition

In recent years, the gig economy has exploded, offering numerous opportunities for those looking to earn through flexible, part-time roles. Platforms like Appjobs have been at the forefront, connecting people with a variety of part-time gigs and, more recently, full-time job opportunities. With the addition of a dedicated section for full-time roles, transitioning from a…

Leveraging Technology: Apps and Tools Every Gig Worker Should Know About

In the fast-paced world of the gig economy, where the lines between traditional employment and freelancing continue to blur, gig workers are finding themselves at the forefront of a dynamic shift in how work is defined and executed. This evolving landscape offers unprecedented flexibility and a myriad of opportunities across various sectors. Yet, with these…

Best summer gigs to try in 2024

In the vibrant landscape of 2024, the quest for engaging and profitable summer jobs is more dynamic than ever. With the evolution of the gig economy, opportunities for flexible, part-time, and even remote work have blossomed, creating a new realm of possibilities for students, freelancers, and those looking to supplement their income during the warmer…

Ваш довідник, щоб отримати допомогу від сусідніх країн

З початку війни понад 2 млн громадян України вже покинули рідні домівки в пошуках безпечного притулку, і ця кількість тільки зростає. Сусідні та більш віддалені європейські країни власними конкретними цільовими діями та програмами спростовують думку про те, що постраждалі від війни нікому не потрібні. Після перетину кордонів дружніх держав українців зазвичай зустрічають дуже тепло —…

How You Can Help Ukraine Today

On February 24, 2022, the world was shocked at the news that Russia had invaded Ukraine. Statements have been released by governments and companies around the world condemning Russia’s actions and calling for all military action to be immediately ceased. Sanctions have been placed on Russia by the US, EU, UK, and individual businesses including…