Are you a freelancer but finding it tough to get new clients for your business? Whether you’re looking to develop your existing client base or just starting out, it’s important to devote some time promoting your business to generate traffic to your site. After all, the more clients, the more you get paid.
Perhaps you feel as if you’re spending far too much time hunting for clients than actually working. Time is money, so it’s imperative you use your time sensibly. This blog will look at some of the most affordable ways to entice new clients to your business.
1. Create a Website
If you haven’t already, you need to launch a website. It’s one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to market your freelance business. Simply choose a domain name and a hosting provider and within a few clicks, your website will be usable.
First, register your domain and hosting. Then choose a content management system like the incredibly popular WordPress. Be sure to include loads of examples of your work that can encourage traffic to your site. And make sure you post regularly on there to keep content fresh.
If money’s no object, it’s worth seeking out a professional site builder. Opt for one who’s been in business for several years or go for a larger site builder with a creative team that provides various price packages depending on your needs and budget.
2. Fire Out a Few Cold Emails
It’s a good idea to take some time out to send some cold emails to potential clients. Aim to send roughly 30 to 50 emails a day. Doing this won’t cost anything, neither will it take you too long.
In your email, shout about your services or products. You can expect around five responses out of the 30 emails you sent. This tactic involves patience, but in time, it can develop your client base, as it’s a fantastic sales pitch.
3. Personal Recommendations
As the saying goes, it’s all about who you know. Arguably one of the best ways to attract new clients is by word of mouth. If someone recommends you to a friend or family member, this goes beyond an impeccably crafted CV . People often have more confidence in personal recommendations than in an online portfolio, polished CV, LinkedIn profile, or blog.
Be sure to do a good job and you’ll get referred to others. People who own a company most likely know others who do as well. And those contacts might just need some new content for their website, a blog redesign, a new logo or maybe some video editing.
And don’t completely rule out family and friends, either. Begin by doing some work for someone in your family. After all, money is money. And experience is experience, right?
4. Add a Blog
If there’s one thing you can do cheaply and effortlessly to attract new clients, it’s to create more content. So, add a blog to your website and online CV.
Before plunging head-first into the sea of blogging, it’s vital you nail your market niche. Focus on writing content that relates to the field you specialise in, so it shows your expertise.
For example, if you’re a copywriter, create blogs that appeal to the audience you want to work for. For instance, post a blog about how having SEO-friendly, grammatically-correct copy on a website is important for increasing sales.
Topics like this will grab people’s attention meaning you’re more likely to seal a new deal with a client.
5. Networking
Building a network is undoubtedly one of the best ways to promote your freelance business. Face-to-face events and meetings are more memorable, as there’s that in-person connection you can’t get online.
Head to events and conferences run by people in the same industry as you. This enables you to link up with several individuals who can collaborate with you to develop your business. Just don’t forget your business cards.
While in-the-flesh networking is brilliant, building an online network on social media is just as important. For instance, people often ask for advice in forums on which you can answer their questions so long as it relates to your area of expertise.
This is a great way of marketing your business, as numerous people may see your answers and flock to your website to find out more about your products and services.
6. Speaking at Events
One level up from attending events is actually speaking at them. Look out for events or conferences where people may need your services.
For example, if you’re a video editor, speak at a conference for business owners about why video content is so important in business, summarising the benefits it can bring. Video content can mean people spend longer on a site, more engagement, more sales, and so on.
Obviously, it’ll take time to land speaking gigs. But as you build up reliability as an awesome speaker, it may even be possible to get paid for speaking at conferences. What could beat marketing your business, getting new clients and getting paid for it – all at once?
7. Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing
Perhaps the fastest way to start generating traffic is to open an AdWords account on Google. PPC, or Pay per click marketing could see you winning clients in a matter or hours. That said, it’s no walk in the park.
Once you’ve set up an AdWords account, you design a small ad that Google then positions on search engine pages and additional sites relating to your company. If someone sees your ad and clicks on it, they’re then redirected to your website. You only pay Google when a person clicks on your advert.
You can find out more about AdWords by simply typing “AdWords” into Google. If you need PPC advertising, there aren’t many programs that beat AdWords.
8. Article Writing
You can market your business by writing articles – it’s an incredibly effective way to entice clients to your business. Simply write articles that are relevant to your business and submit them to article databases for publication on the internet. By doing this, you’re sure to see a steady stream of clients click on your website.
One important thing to remember about article marketing is to include a backlink to your website at the foot of every article you write.
Create articles to help brand your business and establish yourself as a professional in your particular field. Article marketing will help build your credibility by speaking to a wider audience.
9. Social Media
Take advantage of social platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Once you’re an active member of a social site, you’ll have more clients than you could ever have dreamed of. Join groups on Facebook and LinkedIn to make new contacts. Numerous freelancers have found huge success in getting more clients using social networking to advertise their business.
Is it a lot of work? Yes. But being a freelancer takes time, commitment, and perhaps most significantly, perseverance. Every freelancer is different, but the most successful freelancers have one thing in common when it comes to winning new clients: Tenacity.