Leveraging Technology: Apps and Tools Every Gig Worker Should Know About

In the fast-paced world of the gig economy, where the lines between traditional employment and freelancing continue to blur, gig workers are finding themselves at the forefront of a dynamic shift in how work is defined and executed. This evolving landscape offers unprecedented flexibility and a myriad of opportunities across various sectors. Yet, with these…

Best summer gigs to try in 2024

In the vibrant landscape of 2024, the quest for engaging and profitable summer jobs is more dynamic than ever. With the evolution of the gig economy, opportunities for flexible, part-time, and even remote work have blossomed, creating a new realm of possibilities for students, freelancers, and those looking to supplement their income during the warmer…

The Best Opportunities to Earn More During Holidays

The holidays are always a busy time of year, particularly for gig workers who want to boost their earnings and generate extra income. Whatever your specialist skills are, you’ll find that a variety of businesses need your support during their busiest times. Whether you’re looking for work-from-home gigs, babysitting jobs, driving routes, or hospitality roles,…

what you need to know for a career in service delivery

Want a Career in Service Delivery? Here’s What You Need to Know

Service delivery managers play an important role in any organisation. They are usually put in charge of keeping clients happy with the services that they receive from the company. Service delivery managers work across a wide range of industries and in different types of businesses to keep the relationship between the clients and the organisation…