The ISFP Myers-Briggs personality type tends to be a gentle caretaker. These individuals will usually live in the moment and have a low-key, cheerful enthusiasm for their surroundings that is noticeable. They are often spontaneous and flexible, preferring to go with the flow and enjoy what life has to offer. While they may appear to be unassuming and quiet at first and may be difficult to get to know, once they trust you, you will find that the ISFP is somebody who is friendly, warm, and willing to share life’s experiences.

ISFP Personality:

ISFP stands for introverted, sensing, feeling, and perceiving. This personality type gets energy from spending time alone and makes their decisions based on values and feelings. They focus on facts and details rather than concepts and ideas and prefer being flexible and spontaneous over being organised and planned. Because they are naturally good at creating an aesthetically pleasing experience, this personality type has been nicknamed ‘the composer’.

The ISFP personality type often seeks out beauty in their surroundings and has a strong sense of aesthetics. They are in tune with the sensory experience and often possess natural artistic talent. They tend to be highly skilled at manipulating objects in an artistic way, which often makes them great sculptors or artists.

As people, the ISFP personality type tends to be non-judgemental and tolerant of others. When it comes to the individuals, groups, and causes that matter to them to most, they can be deeply loyal. They will support and accept others, but ultimately, they will be guided by their own set of values. They often look for ways to be accommodating and may grow frustrated with others who do not do the same.

Typically, the ISFP is a modest person who may be prone to underestimating themselves. They will usually try and avoid the spotlight and prefer to take on a supporting rather than a main role. Wherever possible, they like to be spontaneous and avoid planning and organising. They are often responsive, sensitive individuals who step in to do what needs to be done and gain personal satisfaction from being able to help others.

Best Careers for ISFP:

The ISFP personality type will often seek out a career where they can feel personally engaged with their work. They will often prefer a type of work where they will be able to participate in a cause that they believe in or where they can express themselves. Typically, the ISFP enjoys hands-on work and will be satisfied when their efforts lead to a tangible result. Ideally, the right role for the ISFP allows them to see the results of the hard work that they have put in and is in an environment that is consistent with their values.

The ideal work environment for the ISFP is cooperative and courteous. They will usually prefer to have somewhere where they can work quietly but be able to access support where it is needed. An aesthetically pleasing work environment is a bonus for the ISFP, who is often very in tune with their physical surroundings.

In general, the ISFP will prefer to keep a low profile at work and shies away from positions where they would be required to lead a large group or speak in public. While they typically prefer to work alone, the ideal team for the ISFP would be made up of people who are supportive, loyal, and flexible.

Best Jobs for ISFP:

Since the ISFP lives in a world of senses, they are often most drawn to careers where they can unleash their creative side. They may also enjoy a service-oriented career where they are able to make a positive impact on others, especially if they can do so in a creative way. Some of the best career options for the ISFP personality type to consider include:

·      Artist:

The suitability of the ISFP personality type for an art career is not surprising, considering that these individuals love to have the freedom to create. With a strong eye for beauty and a desire to be able to express themselves creatively throughout their career, this is certainly one of the best choices for the ISFP, who will often be an individual with natural artistic talents.

·      Graphic Designer:

Since the ISFP personality type tends to be very artistic and creative, they thrive in the role of a graphic designer. This is often an independent and hands-on position that allows the ISFP not only the ability to be creative at work but also work independently with a lot of freedom.

·      Chef:

ISFPs are often practical and action-oriented along with creative, which can make them an ideal fit for a role as a chef. However, the ISFP is only likely to enjoy this role when they are given creative freedom to come up with their own ideas, and may quickly become bored in a role where they must follow instruction

·      Veterinarian:

Many ISFP individuals have a deep love for animals, which can make them an ideal fit for a role as a veterinarian. Vets examine, diagnose, and treat many different animals from house pets to livestock. The service-oriented and caring nature that many ISFP individuals possess will often make this role perfect for them.

·      Interior Designer:

Many ISFP personality types will be drawn to creating environments that are both beautiful and functional, which can lead to an ideal career path as an interior designer. In the hands of the ISFP, lighting, textures, and colours can easily become works of art. In addition, they will often have a helpful and perceptive nature along with excellent active listening skills that will make them highly skilled at bringing their clients’ ideas to life and creating excellent designs.

·      Occupational Therapist:

ISFPs are often creative problem solvers, and they will enjoy taking on real-world issues to come up with creative solutions to make things better for people. Because of this, they may find that a role as an occupational therapist is a fulfilling option for them. An occupational therapist is tasked with developing rehabilitation programs to restore or build skills in people who have suffered injuries, illness, or disability.

·      Nursery or Primary School Teacher:

The ISFP personality type has a passionate and creative nature, which often makes them a natural-born teacher. They are tolerant, non-judgemental, and relaxed, which along with their creative flair and ability to come up with new ideas, makes them a great fit for teaching young children. ISFP personality types excels at developing hands-on activities and creative lesson plans for their students.

·      Social Worker:

Since many ISFP individuals have an interest in making a positive impact on the lives of others, they may find fulfilment in a role as a social worker, a career path that allows them to use a hands-on approach to solving problems. Social workers use community resources to help families and individuals facing a wide range of challenges.

·      Forester:

A forester is tasked with the care and management of trees or forests. They may develop plans to protect trees from disease, deal with emergencies like wildfires, and more. They will often supervise the sustainable harvesting of trees and the regeneration of forested lands. For the ISFP who values nature and conservation, this might be an ideal fit.

·      Environmental Scientists:

Since the ISFP personality type has a tendency to love both nature and hands-on work, a role as an environmental scientist might be an ideal one for them to consider. In addition, the love of freedom that most ISFPs will possess will be satisfied by the ability to spend time both in the lab and in the field.

ISFP Personality Careers to Avoid:

While it is possible for any personality type, including the ISFP, to be successful in any career, there are some occupations that are simply not going to be the best fit for the artistic and spontaneous ISFP. Some career options that are best avoided by individuals with this personality type include:

·      Managerial Jobs:

ISFP personality types are often very individualistic, which will not usually be suited to the majority of managerial jobs. Since this personality type prefers to be spontaneous and flexible, a management job that involves planning and leadership is unlikely to be their strong point or something that they would enjoy.

·      Accountancy:

ISFP individuals tend to hate ordinary or uncreative tasks, meaning that a career in accountancy is likely to be a worst nightmare for them. While they will still get on with such tasks if required of them, the ISFP is likely to become very bored over time without the option to create, come up with new ideas, or support other people in their role.

·      Admin Work:

Similar to accountancy, an administrative role is once again likely to become extremely boring for the creative ISFP. The fixed and rigid schedule that often forms the basis of administrative jobs will often become highly frustrating for the more spontaneous ISFP to deal with.

Artistic, creative, and highly sensitive, the ISFP personality type prefers to work in a role where freedom, creativity, and self-expression are valued. They may also be drawn to roles where they can help others, especially in creative ways.