About Us
At Appjobs we believe every gig is a fresh start. As gig platforms pop up at an accelerating rate and a new way of work explodes, we saw the need to help people navigate finding the right jobs to pay their bills. The gig economy spans over many industries and offers opportunities worldwide and our goal is to harness the scope of its reach to the benefit of the workers. We want to empower everyone to play a role in the labor market through organizing personalized flexible job opportunities, tools, resources, and support.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be the go-to site for people looking for flexible work tailored to their needs. We are not a search engine or a job board but a community to offer support for people who are looking to pay their bills. We’re here to take away the difficult part from the difficult start.
Our Mission
We are a platform for people who want to take charge of their financial lives. A global community of gig-workers. Beyond a search engine or job list post, we give you all the tools to take action. Make the income you need. Support your family. Become financially independent. Every new job is a unique opportunity.
Our Strategy
We aim to offer flexible jobs for every situation. Find the right ones for you and we’ll help you navigate towards the income you need.
Who We Serve
We serve delivery drivers, freelancers, cleaners, babysitters, and so much more. Gig work expands over many industries and includes all work experience and backgrounds. Whether it’s their first gig or they have been working gig jobs for years, we provide people with the support, resources and tools they need to successfully navigate the broad scope of gig work.
Our Core Values
Opportunities | Flexibility | Trust | Community | Simplicity